And this is how it goes..
So as I explained in the previous post, problems happen I know.. but explain this to me..
she said:
"guys don't let him join your group he's an F student and he's gunna cause some bad effects on your grades"
a friend of mine jumps in "no miss, im afraid that he's one of the best here, frankly.. he's the one who wrote all of our presentations"
she replys : "I already said what I have, so its your call"
ok.. she said that behind my back, when I was absent, I know im being too personal but trust me, this happened to other students by the same intsructor and things were not so funny, and I know this is not going to stop at that point.
ok more explanation, this subject is based on presentations they are you're midterm quizzes and your final exam and those presentation are done in groups. yes, dont be amazed that was a childish act from an instructor in kuwaits university.
a report to the dean, missed couple of midterms and my situation can't handle more F's so I ended up withdrawing this course, away with all my dreams and plans. way to go KU..
And since KU is a public university I mean.. you can't do nothing to a kuwaiti working in a government sector, no reports since you can't even suspend an employee..
ahhh... making life harder for me and other people
**sorry if I spoke from a personal view, but this time I became the perfect example.
This is not where I belong...
Me: "hey, are you mad? if yes please tell me so I could leave right now :)"
She said: "don't try to be funny ok?"
Me: "huh?!"
She: "I said don't try to be funny!"
Me: "ok, I just came here to discuss the problem that just happened, is it on thursday or tomorrow?"
She: "It's Tomorrow!"
Me: "But..Why?
She: "Don't Ask me why! you know that this is out of question! you can't force me to do anything!"
Me: " not trying to force you to do something, i'm just ASKING if you could make it on Wednesday or wouldnt cause much problem you know, the problem and some of the guys are already booked and we're so busy during the upcoming 2 days"
She: "It is not my problem this is my only offer! do not forget who you talking to! i'm an instructor and you're just a student and as a student you do what I tell you to do!"
Me: "huh?! , have a good day ma'm"
ok! if you just read the 1st lines and skipped to this conclusion, she is not my GF!!! and she's of course not an on-call playmate!
She happens to be my instructor and yea she's older than me by few years, I don't blame her for being lame and rude, I don't blame her if she always act weird and lame all of a sudden, and I absolutely do not blame her if she ruined the future of any student, I blame KU, and CBA's staff for still having her until this day. **this happen to be the opinion of more than 20 students in CBA, they are 20 and i didnt even bother to search for more they just popped in**
for some reason KU hires the worst out of the worst and she's just another great example.
*** Something else to talk about..
yea i just finished watching "The Arrivals" its a documentary made by kuwaiti dudes i think
it is Brilliant and mind blowing, you should watch it.
have a Good Day folks!
اللستة 2010 !!
لي متى يا جماعة لي متى!
اليوم وصلتني "لستة شباب الكويت 2010" او شي جذي بمسج بالفيس بوك المرسل اسمه
Shabab Al
فيه اسامي شباب بالادارية وبعض الجامعات الاخرى. بغض النظر عن الاشخاص وما استحقوه من القاب
اذا كان في شي الله ساتر عليه فـليش التشهير؟
ليش السب والطنازة اللي تزعل؟
و تم التعرض لسمعة اناس بهاللستة...ليش؟ لهدرجة فاضين ماكو الا نشوف عيوب الناس ونطلع القاب؟
ما اقول الا اللي اختشوا ماتوا و هنيئا لنا بجيل مريض
فازت برشلونة اليوم على دبورتيفو!
مو شي عظيم وايد بس الأعظم ان الإدارية باجر كلها برشلونة!