And this is how it goes..
So as I explained in the previous post, problems happen I know.. but explain this to me..she said:
"guys don't let him join your group he's an F student and he's gunna cause some bad effects on your grades"
a friend of mine jumps in "no miss, im afraid that he's one of the best here, frankly.. he's the one who wrote all of our presentations"
she replys : "I already said what I have, so its your call"
ok.. she said that behind my back, when I was absent, I know im being too personal but trust me, this happened to other students by the same intsructor and things were not so funny, and I know this is not going to stop at that point.
ok more explanation, this subject is based on presentations they are you're midterm quizzes and your final exam and those presentation are done in groups. yes, dont be amazed that was a childish act from an instructor in kuwaits university.
a report to the dean, missed couple of midterms and my situation can't handle more F's so I ended up withdrawing this course, away with all my dreams and plans. way to go KU..
And since KU is a public university I mean.. you can't do nothing to a kuwaiti working in a government sector, no reports since you can't even suspend an employee..
ahhh... making life harder for me and other people
**sorry if I spoke from a personal view, but this time I became the perfect example.
just passing by to say hello
and i'll be back to read
yallah weenek miss your blogs
i wanna know what happend this course?
:D ashwa thkrteny enna 3ndy blog ym3wda, laheet eb Twitter o Facebook, o hadeet hatha elmsecheen, elmshkela enna blogger malah gadget 3la blackberry aw iphone 3del klamy?
el blackberry i donno 9ara7a bas el iphone ma atwaqa3 bas as long as it has safari fa khala9 3an errabreba wel kasal ahoo
hahaha, enshalla enshalla 6al 3mrich :D
I think I'm just guna stick to my laptop for now tho :p I just hate Iphone's safari
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